Camp Zero: Review

Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling is set in the near future where global warming has made much of the US increasingly inhospitable, but Canada becomes more temperate. The focus of the story is two separate groups, one a group of scientists in a northerly research facility, and another a small company town somewhat further south. Both struggle to escape from powerful people and organizations that may not have their best interests at heart. By the end, Sterling ties things together and reveals the complete picture.

I enjoyed many aspects of Camp Zero. Many of the characters were interesting. Survival in extreme environments was portrayed with lots of detail. The novel dramatically portrayed the possibility of the rich profiting from global warming and building secure escapist colonies while the poor suffer the brunt of storms and flooding. For some reason, I didn't get as deeply involved in the story as with my favorite dystopian novels. Still, if you are a fan of the genre, you should definitely give this a read.


Last modified on 7 Sep 2023 by AO

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