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Geolocation with TeaVM

Browsers let you ask the user their location, giving you their exact latitude and longitude. To get the lat/lon via TeaVM, use the following code:
        HTMLBodyElement body = document.getBody();

        final HTMLElement p = document.createElement("p");

        if (Navigator.isGeolocationAvailable()) {
          Navigator.getGeolocation().getCurrentPosition(new PositionHandler() {
            public void handlePosition(Position position) {
              final Coordinates coords = position.getCoords();
              p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Lat/Lon: " + coords.getLatitude() + "/" + coords.getLongitude() + " accuracy=" + coords.getAccuracy() + " heading=" + coords.getHeading()));
          }, new PositionErrorHandler() {
            public void handlePositionError(PositionError positionError) {
              // Handle errors by looking at positionError.getCode()
        } else {
          p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("This browser doesn't support geolocation"));
Be sure to use a recent build of TeaVM from bintray that includes the geolocation API.

Next Steps

Once you have the user's location, what useful things can you do?
Last modified on 27 Nov 2018 by AO

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