Roku PhotoBridge Programming: Patterns and

PhotoBridge Trivia

The Mysterious Album

The mysterious album shown behind the "My Mix" CD is the "sound track" from Rocknor's Bad Day, an obscure puzzle game. Full information is at Furthermore, the HD1000 GUI graphics were designed by the creator of this game, Hanford Lemoore.

How Many PhotoBridges Are There?

On December 27, 2004 Adam Lashnisky reported that about 7000 PhotoBridge units had been sold. If sales stayed constant, then by the end of 2005 about 21,000 PhotoBridges were sold. Anthony Wood, Roku founder and CEO, said this in an interview in September, 2003:
The company would break even by selling 10,000 units, but hopes to become profitable by selling at least 20,000 units within a year, Wood said.
However, Wood has also stated that the PhotoBridge line was never profitable, so perhaps sales never reached the 20,000 mark, or costs rose.

Last modified on 18 Dec 2006 by AO

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