Roku PhotoBridge Programming: Patterns and

Roku Customizations

Setting a static IP Address

Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to read:
# The IP address you want for your HD1000
# The set bits are shared with other hosts on the local segment

Disabling Wireless

Edit /linuxrc and comment out these lines:
# wireless support
/sbin/insmod usbdfu.o
/sbin/insmod at76c503.o
/sbin/insmod at76c503-rfmd.o
/sbin/insmod at76c503-i3861.o
/sbin/insmod at76c503-i3863.o
/sbin/insmod p80211.o
/sbin/insmod prism2_usb.o

Enable Swap at Boot Time

The .flashrc.local file in the root directory of any mount point is executed automatically when the HD1000 starts up. If we place the following .flashrc.local file in the root of a CompactFlash card where we have previously configured swap space. Then each time the Roku starts up, the swap space on the card will be enabled automatically. To get this same behavior each time you insert the CompactFlash, make a copy of .flashrc.local in the file .autoexec.roku, which runs each time the card is inserted.
mount /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /mnt/flash1 -o remount,rw,sync,noatime,nodiratime
swapon /mnt/flash1/swapfile

Last modified on 17 Jan 2007 by AO

Copyright © 2024 Andrew Oliver