HTML templates

Flavour provides a convenient way to render and update DOM via HTML templates. All you need is to define a class with data and behaviour, then bind it to an HTML template. This section describes the following topics:

  • how to create HTML templates;
  • how to use standard components;
  • how to create custom components;
  • how to use Flavour’s expression language.

Creating a new page

To create a new page you need two things:

  1. View class that describes data and behaviour of the page.
  2. HTML template that displays data.

Flavour does not force you to follow a certain structure in the view class. It can extend, implement anything you want, define any methods and fields, and so forth. The only thing you need is to mark this class with @BindTemplate annotation which specifies the relative path to template. The template is an HTML file that must be somewhere in project’s resources (i.e. src/main/resources by convention). In addition to regular HTML elements, the template file may contain extended elements provided by Flavour.

See this example:

public class Fibonacci {
    private List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<>();

    public Fibonacci() {

    public List<Integer> getValues() {
        return values;

    public void next() {
        values.add(values.get(values.size() - 2) + values.get(values.size() - 1));
  <std:foreach var="fib" in="values">
      <html:text value="fib"/>
    <button type="button" event:click="next()">Show next</button>

This example assumes you put the template in src/main/resources/templates/fibonacci.html.

So far, this code does nothing. First, you should tell Flavour to render the template. Add the following method to the Fibonacci class:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Templates.bind(new Fibonacci(), "application-content");

Of course, your master index.html should contain an element with ‘application-content’ identifier (id=”application-content”).

Interacting with template engine

The main entry point to template engine is the Templates class. For basic usage you need only these methods:

  • Templates.bind(Object, HTMLElement|String) which binds an instance of view class to an element from a static HTML file, specified either as an HTMLElement instance or by id.
  • Templates.update() forces an update of all bound templates. Usually, Flavour is smart enough to automatically update DOM. However, sometimes it does not know enough about your code, so you have to use this method to tell the template engine to update explicitly. This includes situations when you work with timers or background threads. Remember, it’s not very expensive to update DOM, since Flavour performs a dirty check and performs as few DOM operations as possible.
  • Templates.create() creates Fragment instance from given view object.

There are some other methods, but they are intended for advanced usage, primarily for creating custom components.

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