Hotmail Drops James E-Mail

Hotmail has recently (around April 20, 2007) started silently discarding email from James servers. There is no warning, no response from the hotmail servers explaining this change in policy. Email is silently thrown out, the recipients don't know, and the James server isn't told. Very antisocial behavior from Hotmail.

The key to getting around this blocking is to ensure that your James configuration specifies a domain name and uses that when announcing itself to other servers. The key is the servernames section of the configuration file. (The configuration file is james/apps/james/SAR-INF/config.xml.) Make sure it looks like the following:

<servernames autodetect="false" autodetectIP="false">

This will force the server to announce its name as to other mail servers. This seems to convince hotmail to pass the email along to the receiver.

Last modified on 13 May 2007 by AO

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