One weekend a year, Orcutt Ranch opens its groves to orange pickers.
The staff waits for the oranges to be ripe, so ripe hey are falling
from the trees. Then they put up banners at the gates for the week
prior. Be on the lookout in mid-summer for the signs advertising the
pick coming the next weekend.
The Process
Upon entering, you park near the gate. The staff has orange pickers
for rent, $1 each. You'll have to leave a license or ID as collateral
for the picker. If you arrive early on the first day there may be
plenty of low-hanging fruit and a picker may not be needed.
The Price (2010)
A grocery bag full of oranges: $2
A medium moving box: $5
The Deal
A full grocery bag is about 60 oranges. 10 oranges yields about 30
ounces of juice, so a full bag yields 180 ounces of juice.