Cold People: Review

In Cold People by Tom Rob Smith, an alien presence has announced that they will be using Earth for unknown purposes. Generously, they have allowed humans to continue living on the planet, with one rather severe caveat: they must relocate to Antarctica. Oh, and get that done in 30 days, please and thank you. The chaos that ensues is well portrayed and thought out. The journey and drama of arrival and the 30 day limit is gripping and powerful.

After that, with the main tension in the past, the novel lost my interest somewhat. The survival story and adaptations required were like a whole different story. I wish the author had focused more on the journey. Like in Memory of Animals.html, where the novel focuses on the escape, and the conclusion gives a brief hint at what the future holds.

In summary, the first part of Cold People was full of drama, tension, and dystopian goodness. Had the book ended with their arrival, I might have enjoyed it more overall. The second part, life in their new home, was where the book lots some of my interest.


Last modified on 13 Sep 2023 by AO

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