Queen Wallis: Review

Queen Wallis by C.J. Carey is a sequel to Widowland, picking up events in a post-WWII England in an alternate universe where Germany was victorious in Europe. After the ending of Widowland, I had expected things to improve and perhaps return to independence in England. The author was not so kind to her fictional Britons, who have remained under the thumb of their German occupiers and have been punished and constrained even more. As the novel progresses, it becomes clear there is a new opportunity for the protagonist (and the remaining monarchy) to make a play for revolution, though the details remain murky and at risk until the very end of the novel.

I was intrigued to return to the author's fictional version of England. However, it was a bit disappointing (though perhaps realistic) that the dramatic finale of Widowland didn't move the needle much for freedom. Also, the finale of Queen Wallis felt less final, perhaps because the seemingly revolutionary ending to the previous novel was already revealed to be ineffectual on a larger scale.


Last modified on 29 Jun 2024 by AO

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