Welcome to Deadland: Review

Fans of the recent zombie genre will enjoy Welcome to Deadland by Zachary Tyler Linville. It jumps back and forth between "Before" and "After", keeping two timelines going for several characters. The main protagonists, Asher and Rico, are young men who both end up in Florida when the world falls apart. The novel covers one of the most interesting parts of the genre: the time surrounding the fall of society, when everyone's regular routines are upended and survival becomes first priority. A portion of the novel takes place in a large, well-known Orlando theme park, which is quite interesting as both a behind-the-scenes look, and for the contrast between the happy setting and the destruction befalling humankind. Finally, in addition to the main plot points, several hints about some broader conspiracy are sprinkled throughout the novel, leaving open the possibility of a sequel, though after 8 years that seems increasingly unlikely.

Overall, I relished this quick read. The tension and pacing were great. The falling apart of society was intriguing to see covered by a new author. Zombie fans, rejoice!


Last modified on 6 Jul 2024 by AO

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